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heard about the filmの例文


  • He had heard about the film and suggested her for the part.
  • "I heard about the film and I got very brave, " she said.
  • When the Colombian crew members first heard about the film, they were skeptical that it would be told accurately.
  • BILLYELLIOTT-NUTCRACKER _ When Joel Morris'father heard about the film " Billy Elliot, " he just knew that his sons'story had been ripped off.
  • The 82-year-old veteran of World War II had heard about the film's graphic re-enactment of the D-Day invasion at Omaha Beach in Normandy.
  • Kal Ruttenstein, senior vice president and fashion director of Bloomingdale's stores, said he got the idea last May when he heard about the film.
  • Vitale heard about the film " A Bronx Tale, " to be directed by Robert De Niro, who was also one of the stars.
  • Haynes had first heard about the film in 2012 from costume designer Sandy Powell, who informed him that Blanchett was attached and Karlsen was producing.
  • Unbeknownst to them, Charleson had heard about the film from his father, and desperately wanted to play the part, feeling it would " fit like a kid glove ".
  • My " "'KEEP " "'was because I have personally learned / heard about the film in Uni and the BBC have picked it up and they seemed to wnat to further the film's success so good on em!
  • "I was quite skeptical when I first heard about the film, but then I read the script and it was really good, " the optimistic and open-minded Fiennes told the Scottish Daily Record, in remarks that TIC hopes set the tone for the rest of September.
  • Diane Sawyer, portrayed in the film in her role as one of Nixon's researchers, said in December 2008 that, " Jack Brennan is portrayed as a stern military guy, " citing both the play and what she d heard about the film version . " And he s the funniest guy you ever met in your life, an irreverent, wonderful guy.